Prof. Dr. Bernd Stegemann
Professor of Theatre History and Dramaturgy
The MA program focusses on training in production dramaturgy. Over the course of four semesters, students will acquire the theoretical and practical tools that will enable them to work independently within the complex processes of theater rehearsals from an independent artistic position.
The experience and competence of production dramaturgy form the basis for all ongoing professional development. The MA in Dramaturgy takes advantage of the various qualities of the other academic programmes at HfS Ernst Busch. Above all, cooperation with the programmes for actors and directors takes place in theoretical seminars and practical exercises. Under the critical supervision of artistically experiences faculty, students are introduced to dramaturgical theater work, encouraged to find their own paths, and to experiment in doing so. The mixture of learnable technical skills, artistic reflection, and creativity, which has proven to be so fruitful in other programmes at HfS, is also the foundation for the MA Programme in Dramaturgy.