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Nathalie Rosenbaum

Studiengang Regie



Berlin based dancer | choreographer | pedagogue

Member of the Zuse Institute Berlin & Research Podcaster | since 2023

listen to ZIBcast

contact & profile @ZIB Berlin

Tutor for cultural management @HfS Ernst Busch with Prof. Paul Enke | 2022-2023

Elected Student Representative in higher-education politics | since 2019

University of Arts Berlin - Berlin Career College Accreditation Course "Creating Dance in Art and Education - Pedagogy & Choreography" | 2014-2015

Scholarship Alumna of Deutschlandstipendium from Felix Bloch Erben GmbH & Co. KG

Contact via E-Mail



Nine Stages of Decay - Produktion ausgewählt für das Finale beim Nachwuchswettbewerb im Theater Drachengasse

Projekte an der HfS Ernst Busch



diploma production

Laura Goblirsch

Adriano Henseler

Antonia Wiedemann


Nathalie Rosenbaum


Mona Schlatter


Hanna Mutschler

|production- and directing assistant|

Deniz Deli

|music composition|

Deniz Deli

|live video|

Nathalie Rosenbaum

|lightning design|

Hannah Sammann

|costume and make up|

Liz Cholewa

|stage design|



graduation project

of Lara Kaiser and Clara Fee Stürzl

Nathalie Rosenbaum


Cornelius Reitmayr

|lighting design|

Elias Weber, Jens Lamprecht, Susanne Scholl, Wibke Storkan


Elias Weber


Clara Fee Stürzl

|set & costume design|

Lara Kaiser


Hristiyana Zafirova

|directing assistant|

Lea Bischoff

|costume assistant|

Scene Studies - University of Arts Berlin Bühnentage

Collaborative Laboratory with students from the UdK stage design course

Liz Cholewa & Soli Jang

|stage design|

Martin Gonschorek & Ella Hagen

|costume design|

Nathalie Rosenbaum

| sound composition & direction |

Liz Cholewa, Soli Jang, Martin Gonschorek, Ella Hagen

| performance |

performed @unit.t Berlin


Weglänge Wehklänge

pre-diploma project

dance- and objectheatre production, performed at bat Berlin

Tabea Antonacci, Jojo Büttler, Kata Kwiatkowksa, Enikő Mária Szász

| dance & performance |

Deniz Deli

| music composition & performance |

Nathalie Rosenbaum

| direction, set design, costume, light |

Ingo Mewes

| consultation set construction |

Simone Pätzold

| consultation costume |

Sonja Lüdersdorf

| tailoring |

Sabrina Münzberg

| technical director |

Wolfgang Dahl

| stage management |

Robert Schuster

| mentoring |



written by Katharina Kern

Florenze Schüssler, Stephanie Amarell, Teresa Annina Korfmacher

| acting |

Nina Ballhause

| costume design |

Deniz Deli

| sound |

Lara Kaiser & Nathalie Rosenbaum

| co-direction |

performed at St. Elisabeth Kirchhof cemetry , ElisaBeet civil garden


Scene Studies - The Notebook

by Ágota Kristóf

Maximlian Diehle

| performance |

Lara Kaiser

|outside eye|

Nathalie Rosenbaum

| direction |

| stage & costume design |

Technical University Berlin Lab - Miss Julie

by August Strindberg

Collaborative Laboratory with students from Stage Design and Scenography M.A.

Una Jankov & Nathalie Rosenbaum

Scene Studies - University of Arts Berlin Bühnentage

Collaborative Laboratory with students from the UdK stage design course

Hannah Kovács

|stage design|

Susanna Rydz

|costume design|

Homan Wesa & Nathalie Rosenbaum


Scene Studies - The Cherry Orchard

by Anton Cechov

Elisabeth Lehmann, Konstantin Shklyar

| acting |

Nathalie Rosenbaum

| direction |

Sterben in guter Gesellschaft

First Year Project

Nathalie Rosenbaum

| authorship & performance |

| set design & costume |

| video concept & design |

| sound & light design |

Deniz Deli

| video programming & design |

performed at Bühne UNTEN main stage



Dein Lied wird noch die Welt vergnügen: Production for Deutschlandfunk radio

Radio Play written by Nathalie Rosenbaum, based on poems by Johanna Charlotte Unzer

Artistic collaboration with Tonmeister and composer Deniz Deli

Polar sounds: Remixing the sounds of the Arctic and Antarctic seas

art-science collboration with Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research and Cities and Memory

Metamorphoses Ovid-19

Collaborative audio work with Cities and Memory

Find out more!


The possibly missing red thread - A search for spaces of student knowledge at Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts

Exhibition of several decades of students' final theses. Collected by the HfS Library - arranged along the main staircase at HfS by Nathalie Rosenbaum

Supported by

Kundry Reif, Tizian Steffen, Maurice Läbe, Adriano Henseler, General Student Committee

Kirsten Hoferer and Haidi Xu, HfS “Ernst Busch” Library

project presentation @Sammlung trifft Forschung 2022

Foto Deniz Deli