Alexandria Nova Netzwerk
Hey, Hæ, Hei, Hallo, Hej, Hoi, Labas!
Alexandria Nova is a network of North European directing programs. It aims to create an international and diverse learning environment for the relatively small directing programs of each national institution and make a leap forward in the awareness about pedagogical methods used. We will share practical and pedagogical knowledge, describe and share working methods and gather together understanding about the art of directing.
This is done through a series of workshops, symposium, seminars including students as well as teachers from all partner-institutions. The goal is to create a vivid interactive digital platform, a new library called Alexandria Nova, where students and teachers share ideas, methods and exercises in a playful way. The network will also publish a book with articles and essays by teachers involved in the project, as well as other artists, scientists and students.
Our very first discussion, which deals with concepts in theatre direction, starts in our forum.
Participitating Schools
- Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch, Berlin, Germany
- Den Danske Scenekunstskole, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Kunsthogskolen i Oslo, Oslo, Norway
- Lietuvos Muzikos ir Teatro Akademija, Vilnius, Lithuania
- Listahaskoli Islands, Reykjavik, Iceland
- Stockholms Kunstnarliga Hogskola, Stockholm, Sweden
- Taideyliopisto, Helsinki, Finland
This project is funded by an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Grant